In this Model we offer you a detailed study of your planets. We prepare and give you a report of 20 pages and 16 charts.

  • Avkarha Chakra- This is known as Avakhada Chakra or Vair Chakra too. This chakra shows eight gun or merits of each nakshtra or zodiac. Manglik dosha and other yoga are not taken in avkarha guna milan.
  • Malefics (Ghatak)- According to their basic qualities, the planets are categorized into two groups. Natural malefics and natural benefics.
  • Planetary Degrees- The planets are situated in particular avasthas (states) depending upon its degree in every horoscope. Every planet including the ascendant is at certain degrees and thus in certain avastas(states). The degree is very important in judging the strength of a planet.
  • Tara Chakra- The nine stars are called (1) Janma (2) Sampat (3) Vipata (4) Ksema (5) Pratyari (6) Sadhaka (7) Vadha (8) Mitra and (9) Atimitra.
  • Lagna Chart- There are 12 houses in Vedic Astrology, and Lagna is the first house and considered as the identity of a horoscope.Lagna signifies your body, the self and has crucial clues about the guiding traits in your life.
  • Navamsa chart (D-9)- The Navamsa Chart is the most vital divisional chart. Navamsa literally translates to nine part of a particular Rashi in which each Amsa consists of 3 degrees and 20 minutes. It is generally used during predictions about marriage of the native, spouse, married life etc but is also useful to know characteristics of the native and also his/her spouse in much detail. According to Shastras, without Navamsa chart predictions are not attempted without analyzing the position of planets in the Navamsa chart for a particular bhava and its characteristics.
  • Bhava Chart and Bhava degree- An online horoscope analysis of your birth chart (Janam Kundali) and Bhava chart gives a precise insight into your future. Bhava chart can be used to predict the overall life of a person.
  • Planetary Baladi Avastha- The status or condition of planets in a birth chart Kundali is known as "Avastha". Baladi Avastha is based on the position of a planet in terms of degrees in a zodiac sign. Every zodiac sign will have 30 degrees. There are five avasthas for every six degrees attained in a zodiac sign.
  • Moon Rashi Chart- According to Vedic astrology the Moon is an important planet and predictions are based on the moon sign of a person. The moon rashi chart discloses many secrets about a person's personality.
  • Sun Rashi- The sun sign or the zodiac in which the sun is positioned at the time of birth is the sun rashi chart. There are 12 zodiac signs and the sun rashi reveals the soul power of a person.
  • Hora Chart- A hora chart discloses about the financial condition of a person in their entire life span. Hence, the hora chart is important to predict how wealthy a person would be in his/her life.
  • Dreshkana- The dreshkana kundali discloses about the siblings (brothers/sisters) of a person. This house also represents the happiness of a person with his/her siblings and analyses all matters related to them.
  • Chaturthamsa (D-4)- A person's fortune or happiness of all types are predicted seeing the 4th divisional chart of the birth chart. The physical level of happiness like assets, inheritance of properties and wealth are disclosed.
  • Saptamsa chart ( D-7)- In Vedic astrology the saptamsa chart is used to predict if the person will have offsprings or children. By seeing this chart the number of children can also be predicted.
  • Dasamsa ( D-10)- The divisional chart dasamsa is studied to disclose the professional affairs of a person. This chart is analysed to assess the fame and success of the native in his/her profession.
  • Dwadasamsa- In Vedic astrology Dwadasamsa is also known as Suryamsa. It is the 12th varga chart and reveals about the native's parents.
  • Shodasamsa- The shodasamsa divisional chart is used to predict vehicle luxury in a person's life.
  • Vimsamsa- A native's spiritual existence is indicated by the vimsamsa chart. If the vimsamsa lagna is weak the native may not be inclined towards spirituality at all.
  • Chatur vimsamsa- The chatur vimsamsa is studied to predict the academic attainments of the native.
  • Nakshatramsa- This divisional chart reveals about the native's physical strengths and weaknesses.
  • Thrimsamsa- This divisional chart is analysed to speculate the misfortune, diseases and miseries the native will have to face in his/her life.
  • Khavedamsa, Akshavedamsa, Shashtiamsa- A person's general happiness is revealed by analysing this chart.
  • Shad-bal- The planetary strengths and relationship is known as Shad-bal. It consists of 6 strengths namely, Sthan Bal, Dig Bal, Kaal Bal, Ayan Bal, Chesht Bal, Naisargika Bal and Drik Bal.
  • Bhava-bal- The strength of each house is known as the Bhava-bal.
  • Ashtakavarga Table- The Ashtakavarga Table makes it easy to understand a horoscope. The 12 rashis are divided into 8 sub-divisions in this unique table.
  • Vimsottari Dasa- Vimsottari dasa system is the most precise and logical dasa-system to foretell the timing of a particular event in the past, present and future of one's life.
  • Ardradi Ashtottari Dasa- This is the most well-known dasa in vedic astrology after vimsottari dasa. The total of all the dasas in this system is 108 years. Ashtottari is used as an ayur dasa that shows longevity of a person.
  • Yogini Dasa- Basically, there are 8 yoginis namely, Mangala, Pingala, Dhanya, Bhramari, Bhadrika, Ulka, Siddha and Sankata. Ketu does not have any role in yogini. Ypgini dasa is for a period of 36 years.
  • Kaalachakar Dasa- This is the most important dasa in the Vedic astrology system. This dasa is popularly known as the "Wheel of Fortune or Time". This wheel of time unfolds all the events in the native's life. “Wheel of Fortune or Time”
  • Yogas-
    • Dhan Yoga- This is the yoga for prosperity and wealth. A person with strong dhan yoga will be rich, noble, well learned and enjoys all the riches in life.
    • Kedar Yoga- A kedar yoga is formed when all 7 planets are placed in 4 houses in birth chart. The native would earn a lot of fame and income and would also be charitable.
    • Raj Yoga- A raj yoga is formed by the combination of auspicious planets. This yoga can take the native to a very high status.